Restored Sight Christian Church
4121 7th Avenue
Birmingham, AL 35224
United States
ph: 205-201-6784
Drive-through Food Distribution Schedule
***ATTN: Drive-through Patrons***
The drive-through food distribution for tomorrow 1/11/2025 is cancelled due to the weather. Please check this page and our facebook pages for further updates.
Our drive-through food distributions will be from approximately 8 am to 10 am or while the day's supply lasts. First-come, first-served. Check this page or our Facebook page for further updates as available. God bless you all!
January 2025
1/11 Drive-through
1/18 NO drive-through
1/25 Drive-through
* All Nations Drive-through dates pending.
Walk-up Instructions:
PLEASE NOTE: The WALK-UP line is for our neighbors with no transportation ONLY. If you drive here or get dropped off, we will not serve you in the walk-up line. Please contact our office if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you!
About Diapers: We can only give 1 bundle (2 packs) of diapers per household per month. This is the agreement we have with Bundles of Hope Diaper Bank.
1.If I sign in online, does that guarantee I'll be served?
Online sign in does not guarantee service. Signing in below will help things to flow more smoothly and decrease the wait time. Rest assured we will serve you as soon as possible.
2.How many households can I sign in for?
You can sign in for the number of households represented in the car. We will need a separate form filled out for each household represented. The form is "live" so we can see what you submit on the form(s).
**Please note: There is a maximum number of families per vehicle, and we may adjust the number of additional families you can pick up for at any time.
3. What will I get if I come to the drive-through?
We distribute a variety of food and non-food items depending upon what we have available that day. Always check what you have been given as some items are perishable and will need to be refrigerated.
6. Why do you ask clients for names and other information?
We have been distributing food since 2015 and we have agreements with some of our corporate donors to collect this information. We have agreed to distribute food and supplies to families in need. (We will not sell these resources, barter with them nor use them for purposes other than we agreed to). We keep limited demographic data on file and submit reports to some of our donors about where the donations go. We are good stewards over the generous donations that we receive. We do NOT sell, rent or use your personal information for any other purpose.
7. What if I have other questions?
Please feel free to ask questions while you are here! You can also use our Contact Us page to submit questions.
1. Upon arrival, please stay in your car and park behind the cars in line and proceed as directed. PLEASE do not block cross streets or neighboring businesses' driveways. For our neighbors desiring prayer, we will gladly pray with you while you wait.
2. After you have parked, sign in using the link to the left. The link will open a form for you to fill in. Items with red asterisks are required.
3. Drive up to the check-in station and show us your submission page on your phone or other mobile device. Don't worry, we can help you with sign-in.
5. When directed, drive slowly to the first station and wait until we place items in your trunk. We cannot to put items in the front or back seat. Our aim is to keep the appropriate distance recommended since COVID-19. If you can't open your trunk, we will gently place your items on a table at the end of the parking lot so you can load your items as you desire.
6. Repeat the process until you reach the last station, and we close your trunk.
7. Have a blessed day!
Copyright 2012-2024 Restored Sight Christian Church. All rights reserved.
Restored Sight Christian Church
4121 7th Avenue
Birmingham, AL 35224
United States
ph: 205-201-6784